Travelling Beauty

Unsure what products to pack? As always, a ‘less is more’ approach will serve you well

by | Mar 16, 2018 | Beauty

Ever find yourself stressing about what to pack for that relaxing trip? Thanks to the recent slew of beauty trends which dictate over-done looks to be out-of-date, that doesn’t need to be the case. Instead, a solid bb cream, mascara, tinted lip balm and maybe a highlighter (if you’re feeling fancy), will mean you’re ready to go with minimal fuss. These essentials will have you looking fresh, and feeling put together without the hassle of actually putting in all that effort.

Take inspiration from these au naturale looks, by makeup artists Katie Angus (using just a few products by MAC and Kevin Murphy), and let your zen state of mind shine through.

Bikini Top, Matteau; Earrings, Holly Ryan

Dress, Matin; Earrings, Holly Ryan

Dress, Matin; Earrings, Holly Ryan

Bikini Top, Matteau; Hat, Lack of Colour; Necklace, Holly Ryan


Photography Emily Delphine
Styling Jessica Rolfe
Hair & Makeup Katie Angus
Model Maria Moller @ Chic

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